Whether you’re simply tired of seeing your furniture in the same old place or you’re purchasing all new furnishings to modernize an outdated room, a well thought-out space plan is a critical first step to a successful transformation. Composing your ideal room starts with thinking about how you use the space, then deciding what furnishings you need, and most importantly determining where those items are best placed (and where not to place them). Once the plan is laid out, adding those finishing touches that inject your personality and style into the room creates a space that’s a perfect fit for how you live.
Function First
A successful furniture layout begins with analyzing the room’s function. How many people will be using the space and for what activities? Do you need a conversation area, a dining space, a spot for cozying up with a good book, or a place to play games? Determining how you and your family will use the space and keeping those details in mind as you plan the furniture arrangement is an essential first step.

Traffic Flow
Next consider the flow of traffic through the room. Look at the likely paths for entering, exiting, and crossing the room. As a general rule, try not to block these areas with any large pieces of furniture. The goal is to create a natural, uncluttered pathway throughout the space that offers easy access and encourages flow.

Decide on Your Focal Point
The focal point is the defining element in your room, and every room needs one (and the TV doesn’t qualify unless it’s a home theater space!). The focal point can be as striking as a two story fireplace or a gorgeous view, or as simple as unique piece of artwork. Arranging your main furnishings around this focus will frame and highlight the area, creating a sense of purpose and grounding the space.

Fill in the Pieces

Start by placing your biggest furnishing first. For example, the sofa in a family room or the bed in your master suite. Once this piece is in the right place, it’s easier to fill in the remaining elements to craft a space that looks beautiful and serves your lifestyle.

Remember to take note of the location of functional room elements such as electrical outlets, vents, light switches, and thermostats. Their position may alter the placement of lamps, area rugs, and other essential pieces that complete the space.
Scale & Balance
When measuring for space planning, consider all proportions of the room including the ceiling height. Purchasing furnishings that are in scale with the room’s vertical dimension as well as its length and width is essential for creating a harmonious design.

This over sized headboard complements the height of the ceiling and is visually balanced by the placement of the adjacent wall mirrors.

The scaled down elements in this tiny kitchen help to detract from the low ceilings, giving the space a well-proportioned, open feel.